Tag Archives: lead generation

Group of marketers discussing how to create a lead generation funnel

4 Ways to Transform Your Blog Into a Lead Generation Funnel

Earn Money by Turning Your Blog into a Lead Generation Funnel Many companies rely on lead generation companies and affiliates to send them prospects they can convert into sales. They lack the time, bandwidth or strategy to generate high quality leads in-house. Thousands of leads are purchased a day, with lead sellers turning a profit Read More…

Computer with email on the screen displaying text based and HTML emails

Text Based or HTML Emails: Which Email Format Converts Better

Do Text or HTML Emails Work Better for Affiliate Marketing? If your email marketing campaign isn’t generating the type of leads you expected, format may be your issue. While there are a host of reasons why your campaigns aren’t generating good results, your content or email template may be to blame. Which should you pick Read More…

Man using laptop and phone. to check affiliate marketing links

5 Better Ways to Incorporate Affiliate Marketing Links

Affiliate Marketing Links Strategy to Increase Lead Generation When people think about affiliate marketing, they visualize a site with tons of banner ads. That’s understandable, since that is a very traditional affiliate marketing method. Under this model, brands create banner ads, affiliates then log into networks, pull and place banner creative on their site. The Read More…

Remove these Lead Generation Obstacles

Remove These Lead Generation Obstacles to Convert More Visitors into Leads

Convert more web visits into leads by reducing or removing these obstacles. As an affiliate marketer, your income depends on your ability to convert web visits into leads. Yet, it’s probably the most challenging aspect of your job. There are tons of reasons why you could be having issues converting your visitors into leads, so Read More…

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

LinkedIn Introduces Lead Gen Forms

LinkedIn hopes new Lead Gen Forms will improve results for marketers Marketing on LinkedIn is relatively expensive compared to other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Consider CPCs for example: Facebook’s minimum bid is often under a $1, Twitter’s minimum suggested bid ranges between $1 and $2.50, while LinkedIn’s suggested bid often starts at Read More…

lead generation funnel

5 Out-of-the-Box Ways to Generate More Leads

Send More Leads Down the Funnel If you’re a hungry affiliate marketer, chances are you’re consistently looking for ways to improve your lead generation efforts. For those in competitive industries, generating more leads means thinking outside of the box for cost effective solutions. How do you generate more leads while decreasing your CPA and increasing ROI? Read More…

Bing owns AOL

Bing Now Runs AOL Search

Will advertisers be affected by the switch to Bing? If you’ve run Google AdWords campaigns before you may have been confused to see AOL as a source of traffic. Confused as to how users found your ads through AOL? In previous years Google powered search and ad results for AOL, which is why you may Read More…