Tag Archives: Keyword targeting

Team of three at desk looking up how to Leverage Long-Tail Keywords to Boost SEO & Affiliate Earnings

Leverage Long-Tail Keywords to Boost SEO & Affiliate Earnings

How Long-Tail Keyword Targeting Can Help Boost Your Affiliate Earnings You probably created your keyword list around what terms have the most volume, but only targeting terms with high volume puts you up against the most competitive players in your space. These terms might also not be terms with the most search intent. Long-tail keywords Read More…

SEO ranking factors to watch

How to Choose Targeted Keywords and Drive the Right Traffic to Affiliate Offers

Choosing Targeted Keywords is Hard. Get Some Tips Now Keyword research is a time-consuming exercise and not always fruitful. At the end of your keyword research you could have thousands of keywords. Where do you start? Which terms do you cut? Here’s how to choose targeted keywords that will help you drive the right kind Read More…

AdWords Exact Match Targeting

Big Changes Coming to AdWords Exact Match Targeting

Google is changing the way AdWords exact match targeting works Advertisers, be prepared to pay for more “exact match” clicks. Ads will begin to show for exact match keywords for searches using different word order and function words now that Google has broadened what “exact match” means. AdWords may ignore the word order and function Read More…