Three Conversion Points You Should Be Tracking

Three Conversion Points You Should Be Tracking

How to Track Multiple Conversion Points

Start Tracking All Conversion Points to Make Better Affiliate Marketing Decisions

Most sales require several conversion points, but most affiliate marketers don’t track all conversions. The only way to recreate success, and to have a complete understanding of what leads visitors down the funnel, is to track multiple conversion points. Tracking conversions will give you insights into your website’s traffic, what your users are doing after they land on your website, and if you’re driving the right type of traffic.

You don’t need expensive software to track all your site’s conversion points. You can use Google Analytics goals to track multiple site conversions for free.

Here are three simple conversion goals you can track to gain powerful marketing insights.

URL Destination

By setting up a URL Destination goal in GA (Google Analytics), you can track when visitors land on a specific page URL. This goal tracks when visitors have completed a form submission. To set up this type of conversion, go into the admin section of Google Analytics, click on “goals” and create a new goal. When inputting the goal URL, you do not need to include the full URL, just what comes after the domain. To track a string of similar URLs you can choose the “starts with” option.


Find out if there is a correlation between time on site and conversion. To track this, you can set up a duration goal in GA. This type of conversion goal tracks user behavior. When setting up this type of goal, you will choose “greater than” for the engagement field. Next, add the goal time. This type of goal will help you understand if your users are finding your website engaging. If users are bouncing quickly, you can determine if you’re driving the wrong type of traffic, or not fulfilling user needs.

Pages Per Visit

By tracking the number of pages per visit, you can understand more about your site’s user engagement. If you’re driving the right type of traffic to your site, your visitors will engage at a higher rate. When creating this type of goal in GA, you’ll need to select Pages/Screens per session. You can select the number of pages you want to see before triggering a conversion.

Since Google is shifting towards using machine learning to determine organic search results, popularity and engagement are becoming significant ranking factors. To help improve your site’s rank in search results, it’s important to pay attention to engagement. Use Google Analytics conversion goals to keep track of important metrics, and adjust your content depending on the data you receive.


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