Combine Paid and Organic for Better Search Results
How a Holistic Approach to Your Campaigns Increases Search Results
Now more than ever before, it’s important for affiliate marketers to maximize ROI for their marketing spend. As competition increases, and markets become more saturated, it’s important to decrease waste and optimize for search results. If you’re not doing it already, you should be taking a holistic approach to search for better search results. This means combining your paid and organic search marketing efforts.
Forming a holistic approach to search marketing may sound daunting, but it’s actually pretty straight forward. Here are four essential steps to taking a holistic approach to your search marketing efforts for better search results.
The first step to creating a holistic search marketing approach is to create a unified keyword list. You should be focused on one set of keywords for both organic and paid. Creating multiple keyword lists duplicates your efforts, and divides your marketing dollars. You should be targeting one set of keywords for both methods in order to increase reach, provide multiple touches, and convert more visitors.
Organic vs. Paid
Look at your keywords, and identify where they fall within the funnel. Some keyword searches are performed when a prospect is further down the funnel – closer to conversion. These visitors require less massaging before conversion. For short-term growth, paid search campaigns should be used for immediate impact and visibility. For competitive keywords, a long-term approach is required. You can use paid search campaigns to test the validity of these terms, then apply an organic approach for long-term search visibility.
Shared Insights
One of the most beneficial aspects of combining paid and organic search efforts is shared insights. You can increase ROI, and conversions, by applying insights from one campaign to the other. Areas to explore include ad copy, keyword performance and landing page performance. Take insights from your top performing ad copy, and apply them to your content to improve the click through rate. Find keywords that have limited coverage on one platform, and target them with the other. Take knowledge from top performing web pages, and apply them to your landing pages.
Organic and paid search teams need to collaborate and discuss performance regularly. Without doing so, failure is guaranteed. If you perform both organic and paid search yourself, make sure you have the framework in place to track both by channel, and as a whole.
Implement a holistic approach to search to drive better results for your affiliate marketing campaigns. By creating a collaborative environment across both paid and organic efforts, you can develop a single consumer-centric plan that will lead to less waste and more revenue.
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