Why Real Time Payday Loan Leads Convert Better
They may cost more, but real time payday loan leads convert better.
Trying to decide between buying real time payday loan leads and shared or aged leads? There’s frankly no competition for what real time payday loan leads can do for your business versus shared or aged leads, but there are some benefits to going with the latter.
Learn more about real time payday loan leads and other types of leads available to lenders to help decide which is right for your funding business.
Aged Payday Loan Leads
Aged payday loan leads are sold to lenders after a certain amount of time has passed. This timeframe is typically between 30 and 180 days after the loan request was made online. These are people who requested a loan but did so at least one month ago. They probably already received funding, so they may not still be in the market.
One thing to keep in mind, is that payday loan customers tend to be repeat customers. They also may have been denied 30 days ago, but their circumstances have changed and now may be eligible for funding.
Why would anyone purchase aged payday loan leads? They tend to be cheaper than fresh or real time payday loan leads.
Real Time Payday Loan Leads
Real time payday loan leads are hot leads. When your network uses a ping tree like ArrowShade, you receive real time leads in real time. That means when the person submits their loan request their information is instantly sent through the tree where lenders can bid for the loan business.
There’s something to be said for being the first lender to respond to a loan request a few seconds after a request has been made online.
The cost of real time payday loan leads will be higher than aged leads, but the conversion rates tend to be higher as well.
Return on Investment
Your return on investment on the leads your purchase will also depend on the amount of time you want to spend working these leads. Real time leads will be easier to convert and don’t require much follow up.
Aged leads may have already received a loan. Instead of simply bidding and following up with a lead, you will need to follow up with these customers via marketing outreach to attempt to convert them.
If you don’t have the time to reach out to or market to leads, you are better off purchasing real-time leads.
Exclusive vs Shared Payday Loan Leads
Real time leads tend to be exclusive. Check with your seller to ensure the leads you are purchasing are exclusive if you want to be the first person to reach out to the lead regarding their short-term funding needs.
Shared payday loan leads are leads that have been sold to other lenders as well. This means there is more competition for the customer’s lending business.
Whether you purchase aged or real time payday loan leads will have a lot to do with your budget. You can purchase many more leads on a tight budget if you purchase aged payday loan leads. On the flip side, you will probably need to put in more time and effort to convert aged payday loan leads into actual loans.
Ready to buy real time payday loan leads? Sign up to buy real time payday loan leads from ArrowShade today.
Hi my name is Alex am running a small business loan company in Miami Florida and am also in the market right now looking to buy some fresh loan leads