4 Ways to Increase Pinterest Traffic to Your Website

Get More Pinterest Traffic with these Marketing Tips
Social Media will continue to be a large source of traffic, and one of the best ways to reach targeted audiences. There is growing popularity in image-focused social networks like Instagram and Pinterest. Pinterest is becoming a major source of traffic for online marketers.
Pinterest for Marketing
Pinterest has been around since 2010. Through pinboards, individuals and businesses can gain great exposure without having to pay a cent. While many still think of Pinterest as a place to get ideas for weddings and DIY projects, many big brands have found success in reaching target audiences on the social media site.
Here are Pinterest marketing tips to help you reach your target market and increase Pinterest traffic in 2018.
Leverage Different Types of Images
Pinterest’s platform is intuitive and easy to use. Over 100 million people use Pinterest on a regular basis, and more businesses join the platform every day. Consider using these types of images in your Pinterest marketing strategy to increase traffic from the platform.
Photos: There’s something to be said for candid photos. Use your smartphone camera to document company events, feature new products and more – to personalize your business and make it more relatable to your audience.
Images: Feature inspirational and motivational quotes that relate to your target audience in professional product images.
Illustrations: Guides and tutorials are easier to comprehend when explained with visual representations. Use illustrations in step-by-step and how-to tutorials.
Infographics: If your business is data driven, infographics can help communicate success metrics in an engaging way. Whether you’re sharing recent survey stats or success metrics, infographics are visually appealing and informational. Infographics can be expensive to outsource, but tools like Canva can help keep design in-house and costs low.
Understand Pinterest Pinning
If you’re a Pinterest novice, you probably don’t understand “pinning.” Pins on Pinterest are like visual bookmarks, they help users keep track of content they want to revisit later.
Whether it’s a recipe they plan on cooking in the future, or a DIY project they hope to make, pins are essentially a visual version of a bookmark bar.
You want users to pin your boards for these marketing reasons:
On average, one pin generates two website visits and up to six page views.
Pinterest is great for retail brands, launching many sales. Especially on Mondays.
Pinterest “re-pins” can help your posts go viral at greater rates than other posting options. One pin can earn over a dozen re-pins. Each re-pin is free traffic that’s comparable to referral marketing.
How to Increase Pins on Pinterest
Like any social media platform, it’s important to be aware of image size restrictions. Your image should format in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and grabs attention. Image previews on Pinterest are small, so preview images to be sure they’re captivating at that image size.
Titles and descriptions go a long way as well. Use SEO optimized titles and descriptions to achieve higher click through rates and increase Pinterest traffic from these posts.
Engage on Pinterest
It’s important to engage with other Pinterest users to increase your own engagement. Comment on pins, re-pin content and engage with Pinterest users who are part of your target market to boost engagement.
You can apply many of the same principles that forums and bloggers use to increase engagement to your Pinterest strategy.
Use Keywords to Boost Your Pinterest Boards and Pins
It’s important to incorporate keywords into your pins and boards to increase Pinterest traffic to your website. Optimizing titles and descriptions with highly searched keywords is just as important on Pinterest as it is on Google.
Consumers use Pinterest as a search engine. Using popular keyword phrases will help your board rank higher in search results, and ensure it’s seen by your target demographic.
Unlike Facebook and Twitter, fewer businesses have mastered marketing on Pinterest. This is great news for businesses attempting to break into competitive markets. Optimize your boards and pins to increase Pinterest traffic and improve ROI in 2018.
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