6 Valuable Hacks for Boosting Your Organic CTR
Increase your CTR now and become a top affiliate
You’re following every best practice in the book, generating quality traffic and ranking for your targeted keywords, but you still can’t seem to get people to click. Without click-through you’re missing out on thousands of dollars in affiliate marketing revenue. Traffic expert Larry Kim recently shared his top hacks for improving and increasing click through rates. Learn how improving your CTR can increase your conversion rate.
Why Affiliate Marketers Should Care About Organic CTR
In order to monetize affiliate offers you need traffic, and a lot of it. Improving click through rate means increased organic rankings. For every 3% increase in CTR above the average for a given organic position, your website will increase by one position, according to Kim. Improving your organic click through rate also leads to higher conversion rates, which for an affiliate marketer is the key to growth.
Now that we’ve got your attention, here are 6 ways you can improve your CTR and increase affiliate revenue.
Inspect Your Content
It’s time to put your detective hat on, and start inspecting your content performance. Identify which content pieces have the lowest click through rates by downloading your search analytics data from Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools). Make sure to include click, impression, CTR and position data in your export. Create a chart in Excel using the data to compare organic search CTR versus organic rankings. Add an exponential average curve to the table to be able to identify content that falls below the average CTR. Leave all top performing content alone, but target those posts that fall below the curve.
Avoid Keyword Stuffing
Stuffing can be great – like when you stuff crust or turkey. On the other hand, keyword stuffing is never a good idea, not even when it comes to your article titles. While you may feel compelled to include your keywords at the beginning of your title, remember that Google’s advanced algorithm uses machine learning, which will take into account your click through rate. Your title must compel the viewer to click and read on, so don’t worry about stuffing that keyword into your H1.
Get Emotional
Emotional triggers make people click. You can increase your website traffic dramatically by being a little more dramatic. For example, an SEO title might look something like, “Breast Cancer Screenings: What You Need to Know.” A better title would target the reader’s fear of Cancer and would sound more like, “Survival Rate Falls to 22% with Late Breast Cancer Screenings.” By triggering audience emotions, you’re more likely to drive them to your site.
Improve URL Structure
Part of creating an SEO optimized affiliate website is building a strong navigation and internal linking structure. It’s important to make it easy for visitors to navigate your site, and find what they’re looking for. Did you know that improving your slinking structure can also improve your click through rate? Ambiguous URLs confuse and concern users. By making your URL descriptive, you’re more likely to earn the trust of the searcher, which leads to more clicks. Descriptive URLs also increase CTRs on social media.
How will you improve your CTR to earn more as an affiliate marketer? Share your experience with organic click through rates below.