The 5 Hottest 2016 Marketing Trends
Track these 2016 Marketing Trends to Win the ROI Race
Marketing momentum is in full effect. With the speed of technological development, it’s not likely to slow down any time soon.
It’s an exciting and challenging time to be a marketer. On the one hand, it’s exciting to gain access to new tools, more data, and new ways to get better results. On the other hand, it can be difficult to keep up, and not drown in a sea of an ever expanding set of marketing tools.
In case you’ve been too busy mining data and optimizing your own campaigns to follow trends, here are the 5 hottest marketing trends of 2016.
Mobile and Wearable Marketing
In 2016, mobile usage usurped desktop use. As mobile phone manufacturers release larger phones, they become easier to use for everyday searches and shopping. Google and Facebook are consistently working to improve formatting for mobile. Google’s algorithm has been updated to better serve mobile friendly ads and organic search results. Wearable devices like FitBit and smart watches have also become popular. These trends are influencing how businesses market to consumers.
Making it Personal
Personalization is so hot right now. We’re not talking about printing photos on t-shirts or bedazzling your name to a jacket; we’re talking about personalized marketing. Consumers are bombarded by ads throughout the day, whether in their inbox, on social media or via search. Those providing unique and customized experiences will prevail with higher conversions and better ROI.
In-App Marketing
Recent data shows that consumers are beginning to take in more content in the form of apps than on traditional websites. With Google AdWords, marketers can serve in-app ads, optimizing as you would a traditional PPC campaign.
Marketing strategies aren’t “separate but equal.” Combining strategies and allowing them to work and flow together seamlessly is the new trend. New software and technology make it easier than ever to track multiple marketing channels and strategies at one time. Digital strategies are becoming codependent on each other, leading to further integration. For example, it’s impossible to succeed at generating organic traffic without strong content marketing.
Google Shopping
Many ecommerce PPC marketers are making the switch to Google shopping. With Google’s most recent AdWords update, advertisers lost prominent bidding positions, which were formerly located on the right side rail. With increased CPCs, many retail advertisers are looking to Google shopping, which offers prominent placement.
Which strategies are you looking forward to testing? What’s worked best for you? What hasn’t worked? Share your thoughts below.
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