3 SEO Hacks for Increased Affiliate Earnings

Increase Your Affiliate Revenue with These SEO Hacks
As an affiliate, traffic is everything. It’s not easy increasing traffic when you’re in a competitive industry. If you’re doing all the right things, but can’t seem to increase traffic it might be time to try some new SEO hacks.
Without targeted traffic, your web visits won’t convert to leads or sales. Affiliate marketers have many challenges, one of which is keeping advertisers happy. The best way to do that is to increase traffic that is a good demographic fit for your advertisers.
Here are five SEO Hacks to improve your SEO traffic to keep advertisers happy and earn more as an affiliate.
Use your home page to fuel the rest of your website
Your home page typically acts as the hub for website links. It’s likely the page with the highest amount of links, and therefore has the most link juice. It’s important to effectively distribute that link authority to your most important subpages. HTML links still work best for this.
Action item: While you’re most likely already linking to your most important category pages in your main navigation, it’s important to link to other important pages via the home page as well. If you’re an e-commerce site, that means linking to your most important products from the home page. You can do this by including a features or sale section on the landing page. If you’re a news or content focused website, use the home page to feature your latest or most important articles. Links found in the body of a page carry more link authority than those found in the navigation or footer.
Reduce image file size
This is almost always the reason why your website loads slowly. Most website developers or webmasters will download and directly upload images, without taking into account the file size. There are multiple ways to reduce the size of an image. I use tinypng.com to reduce my image files. You would be surprised just how much you can speed up your page load times by reducing image file sizes. While you’re looking into your images, also make sure you have alt attributes. Images often rank before web pages in Google searches, and can help bring traffic to your site.
Action item: Use a tool like the Google page speed test to see what, if anything, is slowing down your website. If you find the issue is your image files, go to tinypng.com and upload your images to be resized. Download the new smaller image files, and re-upload them to your website. Check back with the Google Page Speed Test to see the difference.
Increase visibility with rich snippets
Search results that are mostly text make it difficult for users to distinguish one result from another. That’s why consumers often pick the first result in a search, it’s the easy choice. Use rich snippets to help your site stand out from the rest in search results. In addition to rich snippets it’s important to work on your meta description and title tag. Make sure its enticing and has a strong call to action. The rating in a rich snippet shows the searcher that you provide a well-reviewed product or service. If stars are relevant to your website, they too help your results stand out.
Action item: Use keyword research to make the most of your meta descriptions and title tags, but also make sure they provide enough information to entice the reader. Rich snippets can be added using google Merchant Center.
Increase your affiliate earnings today. Sign up for the ArrowShade Affiliate Network and start earning more.
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